Wayne Dula is a Professional Photographer, specializing in Fashion, Glamour and Wedding photography. His work throughout the years [both in film and digital formats], has appeared on covers for various artists in the genres of Jazz, Hip-Hop and R&B. His work has also been published in various beauty publications as well. He states, "Since I was about six years old, I'd always walked around with either my Dad's Kodak "brownie", or my Mom's instamatic around my neck. Even at that young age, I knew photography was what I wanted to do".
In time, Wayne shifted his focus to Wedding photography and eventually Fashion. He states, "I've always enjoyed shooting weddings. To play such an integral role in one of the most important days in two people lives, in indeed an honor. And while shooting a wedding can at times be a challenge, to know that the images that you capture, will last a lifetime, perhaps even through generations, is indeed a humbling experience".
"I have always loved photography. To be able to "freeze" a moment in time, and go back and revisit that place, that moment, is truly special. And, when you take images that people enjoy, the satisfaction that you get, well..that's the best part." -WD